Myth and Fact About Gas and Electric Golf Carts

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Golf Master Tips, Myth and Fact About Gas and Electric Golf Carts - Although electric golf carts are replacing the petrol-operated ones quite quickly, a significant number of golfers still stick to the latter models. This obviously means that for some purposes, you can be better off with a petrol cart. 

The key here is to know the right facts about both the golf carts before choosing one of them. However, most of us tend to consider myths as facts! Before we go ahead to know these myths, let us first recall what we believe about these two carts.

The Fact About Gas and Electric Golf Carts

We often believe that petrol carts are more powerful than electric ones on a hilly terrain, more durable, very noisy and polluting, very messy while dripping petrol, and cheaper as there is no need to buy new batteries at regular intervals (usually in every 3-4 years). 

When it comes to electric golf carts, we are of the opinion that they are unsuitable for hilly courses, risky downhill due to lack of gas engine's gradual compression, quiet and clean, and are without enough mileage like that of a gas cart.

While we believe these statements deeply, we are certainly unsure of how true they are. Well, the truth is that not all these beliefs are true. Let us now find out what is a fact and what is a myth.

golf master tips, pro golf equipment

First, it is true that petrol or gas carts pollute the environment through their harmful emission of carbon dioxide as well as are noisy and messy. The manufacturers are particularly sensitive to these limitations of petrol-based models. 

Therefore, one of the solutions can be to reduce the emission. However, whatever you do virtually in this direction is likely to cut down on the engine's power. Even if you think of putting a bigger engine, the cost simply goes beyond the electric cars.

In case you believe that a petrol car is better just because of no frequent battery purchase cost involved, it is high time to think again. However, when it is the matter of 'range' of these carts, petrol carts win for sure. 

While an electric golf cart is efficient to have two rounds of golf in just one charge, a petrol one is a better choice if you wish to take it out of the boundary and work on fixing several things from morning to evening. Instead of extra batteries, an extra can of gas proves to be more efficient in this situation.

If you still believe that electric carts are less powerful, then it is essential to know that the modern battery-operated engines tend to outperform the gas ones in terms of downhill slowing (without brakes), start up acceleration, and great speeds. Last but not the least; investing in their batteries is becoming really cheaper, especially in lithium models! (Paul Rolland)

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